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Welcome to Galleries! Here you will find images of famous paintings by worldwide famous artists. Also, below of the image, you will find a brief description on the work of art as well as the date it was created and the name of the artist.

Mona Lisa-

The famous Painting is a half-length portrait of a woman by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, which has been acclaimed as "the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world." The painting, thought to be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo, is in oil on a poplar panel, and is believed to have been painted between 1503 and 1506.text

Starry Night-

Painted by Vincent van Gogh just months before his tragic suicide, The Starry Night is perhaps his greatest masterpiece. In the work, van Gogh portrays a nameless European village amidst a dark wilderness, complete with dampened lights. Van Gogh painted this piece in 1889 while he was in Saint Rémy seeking treatment in a mental asylum. Interestingly enough, he painted this piece from his memory and it was supposed to have been based on a constellation arrangement he had seen earlier on in the night sky of Provence. Starry Night is perhaps one of his most famous and yet most elusive works.

Three Muscicians-

Three Musicians is a large painting measuring more than 2 meters wide and high. It is painted in the style of Synthetic Cubism and gives the appearance of cut paper. Picasso paints three musicians made of flat, brightly colored, abstract shapes in a shallow, boxlike room. On the left is a clarinet player, in the middle a guitar player, and on the right a singer holding sheets of music.Three Musicians is a large painting measuring more than 2 meters wide and high. It is painted in the style of Synthetic Cubism and gives the appearance of cut paper. Picasso's desire to win back the initiative from Matisse in the exploitation of the decorative potential of the synthetic Cubist style emerges in this painting in the boldest possible manner.


The Sunflowers is one of the most popular paintings. Van Gogh used the sunny hues to express the entire lifespan of the flowers, from the full bloom in bright yellow to the wilting and dying blossoms rendered in melancholy ochre. It was painted during a rare period of excited optimism, while Van Gogh awaited the arrival of his hero, the avant-garde painter Paul Gauguin.The 'Sunflowers' was intended to impress Gauguin and was a gesture of friendship. The alliance was to end in disaster.